Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Anna's health & operation - A domestic challenge

Anna suffered chronic stomach ache for over 2 decades and never had a second meal a day from 1960 to 1980, it was a normal practice for all six of us and amma to have our dinner without him. If at all any attempt was made he used to suffer, resulting in gastric problem followed by vomiting. This led to  irritation and violent nature some times. Neither he could stand his mother because of her attitude. All attempts of treatment were in vain and never wanted to get operated fearing the risk and family responsibility.

It was only after Sreemathi, Prasad and my marriage in 1979-80, we forced him to go in for treatment which he reluctantly agreed. I had taken him to Dr. Chitur Mohmmed Habibullah the top most gastroenterologist of 80 & 90s. He happened to be associated with our department and later stages on our board and was a research supervisor in Genetics. He was the only one and FIRST to use endoscope, available only at OGH. He had a project on gastroenterology funded by ICMR. Anna became a patient and one of the subject in the project in 1980. He had several rounds of examination causing a big discomfort during endoscopy. The treatments did not work out due to the chronic block in the intestine.
CMH gave it up and advised to go in for surgery for Anna by the head and chief surgeon Dr. AK Chary of OGH. Because of departmental (genetics) background things were little smooth. Got Anna admitted in the University ward at OGH, and was posted for operation on 3rd December 1980 (six months later to my marriage). As scheduled he was wheeled to the OT, me, Prasad were waiting for Anna to be wheeled back post operation.  As we were waiting we saw Anna in the front room of OT on the stretcher. On enquiry Anna said that he was not moved to OT at all. Then Dr. Chary came out of the OT with his team and apologised that he could not conduct due to non cooperation of Anaesthetist, as his time was up. Dr. Chary advised to get it done by the second in command Dr.  Waliuddin, I requested that only he should do it. He fixed up a date 15 days later but was deferred later.By this time Anna was getting so impatient that he wanted to be discharged instantly. I had a very tough time to follow up the formalities. The reason for anna's distributed condition was not postponement, but a fellow patient  in the ward, a technician from our Physics department had passed away the previous day.
Anna was successfully operated for  gastrojejunostomy on 30th of Dec, 1980, by Dr. Chary and shifted to ICU. It was the most tension filled moment for me till the next day as he was under sedation from the time he was wheeled out of the operation. I was to see him early morning, with highly charged atmosphere , reached the hospital at 6 am in the biting cold, wearing my marriage coat for the first time after the event. I was relieved from anxiety to find anna relaxed and convulsing. My fear besides myself was to answer my siblings.

He was operated upon for  gastrojejunostomy, a 10" piece of the intestine was removed. An 8" stitching scar was for ever on the abdomen. As per CMH sir's advice I got him shifted to general ward, as he stressed on the availability of 24 hr vigilance  unlike University ward. Got him discharged on the 7th day. Only after this point he used to be their at dinner table till his last day.

During the operation though he was on general anaesthesia he was aware of discussion amongst doctors mentioning that the patients son was a faculty in Genetics. Taking a lead was risky as consciously I was answerable to all at home.
Now came Padmini's role in nursing him extremely well for over one month, in spite of loose talks. She even was commented upon that Anna got all this problem after our marriage. Amma left to Bangalore on Sreematis call as Lekha was just few months old. The senior couple went on holiday. The kitchen management, cooking for 6 was Padmini. The amount patience and her tolerance was very high, the credit should go to her father for timely advices. No body can counter this document, all except amma and Sreemathi are not around.
The entire cost of the operation was Rs 40 towards that too the tip to ward boys. 
PS: I am grateful to both late Drs. Chary and Habeebullah and OGH.
Dr. Chary minted money with private practice and it's said he dumped money in tank bund when he was haunted. Dr. CMH turned out to be a top molecular biologist and has left behind scores his of  students. He served at Deccan Hospitals, established lab and is even responsible for sequencing the entire genome of a virus. Both have made their eternal journey.

Written on 15th June 2015

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